Category Archives: innocent girls

Miss Understanding Spoiles Innocent Girls Life

Miss understanding spoiles innocent girls life.Maney girls not understand boys affairs.Boys say friendship,girls understand love.Love spoiles her life. Parents wants to marry her doughter but she refuses.She brokes her parents heart. Sometime she asscaped with her boyfriends.She leave safe  life … Continue reading

Posted in affairs, asscaped, fashion or a joke, Gowllmandy, innocent girls, parents heart, powerful todays, refuses, scatered all family, spoiles | Leave a comment

Pakistani Canimas full with girls

Pakistani Canimas full with girls.Todays girls are to sees Indian movies in cenima.King khan is most popular in girls.Girls are crassy for heros.Girls made them their ideols.She wants to married some one.Parents were so worried about that.Girls are enjoyed that … Continue reading

Posted in cenima, enjoyed that situation, innocent girls, King khan, married, Pakistani Canimas, pakistani films | 1 Comment